Three Poems
By Larry Thomas
A Room at Night
(vacant house, Terlingua)
is empty.
Its walls are barren,
painted with flat latex.
Its angles are right,
its windows rectangles
free of drapes, shades
or blinds. It looms
in blinding moonglow
as if basking
in its hushed geometry,
stark and spare as art.
On moonless nights,
in far West Texas,
it rages down arroyos
of corrugated iron,
brims cisterns with its glare,
and casts shadows
black as crude oil.
The sky hangs low
with its antics, flaring
like the torches of a mob
frantic in pursuit
of a Frankenstein
constellated with cold stars
billions of years dead.
January Light
It trickles to the ground
from the cobalt eastern sky,
slant, tentative,
as if its source of sun is spent,
capitulating to the scourge
of ice and howling wind,
a stubborn candle
casting lengthening shadows,
viscous with the presence
of the night.
Larry D. Thomas, a member of the Texas Institute of Letters and the 2008 Texas Poet Laureate, has published twenty-three print books of poetry and numerous online chapbooks. He lived in Alpine, Texas on the northeastern flank of Hancock Hill from 2011 until 2017 but now resides in Las Cruces, NM. His Web site address is